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Main » 2010 » August » 16 » Fänni töötlus.
0:11 AM
Fänni töötlus.
Liisa, Xavier Samueli fänn, saatis meile oma töötluse Riley Biersi muundumisest.

Suur aitäh Liisale! Oled ka midagi Xavierist teinud (joonistanud, töödelnud või kasvõi kokku pannud luuletuse)? Saada see meile meilile xaviereesti@gmail.com 
Category: Fännikraam | Views: 931 | Added by: Xavvu | Tags: Riley Biers, töötlus, Eclipse | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Niwa   (2012-03-31 7:39 AM) [Entry]
before, countless atrceors have tried to add/change elements of Wonder Woman for sheer shock like JMS' alternate reality but THIS was the change DC Comics chose. All that hype and you can't finish the project? Seriously? Where's the passion? Sure Phil Hester may be a capable writer, but this isn't his story. This was supposed to be EPIC. And the only excuse he gives for leaving BOTH of his monthly titles is admitting that he can't tell a story in 22 pages?! THAT'S THE INDUSTRY! Writing 100+pages of Superman may be fullfilling when no one can criticize your faults but after so many years in this business, shouldn't you not only be used to that but at this point be capable of doing that? That entire announcement was disgusting. He should ashamed of himself. Uprooting two of the biggest characters in the DCU for a Superman that's been told MULTIPLE times before and a Wonder Woman story that serves no purpose other than reminding people that she has Greek roots .Normally this would be the moment where I give my computer screen a middle finger or two but I'm sure JMS is too busy thinking of more bland stories he'll never get around to finishing instead of reading this post. Great episode,btw.

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