Glamour Magazine reastas 2010. aasta 50 kõige seksikamat meest. Esimese koha napsas ära Robert Pattinson, kohe tema järel teisel kohal oli Taylor Lautner. Kolmandale kohale platseerus "Vampiiri Päevikutest" tuntud Ian Somerhalder ning uhke neljanda koha saavutas Xavier Samuel. Videviku-saaga oli esindatud veel ka Kellan Lutzi näol, kes sai viienda koha.
1. get enough sleep(obvious i know, but it does help)2. use preropatian H, its a hemroid cream but its what all the models use(aparently) and i used it and it does work, it got rid of them 3. put green tea teabags on your eyes for half an hour each night4. moisturise skin well5. try touch/pull at eyes as little as possible6. drink alot of water each day..alot of people get dark circles under their eyes because of water retentioni used to have dark circles under my eyes for two years and hated them this is what i did and it got rid of them so thought id share..